E-mail: imagef@zuel.edu.cn
2021.03至今 中南财经政法大学 信息与安全工程麻将胡了2试玩网址 讲师
2022.10至今 天津大学 电气自动化与麻将胡了2试玩网址 博士后
2019.07-2021.02中冶南方工程技术有限公司 二级研究员
目前主持湖北省自然科学基金青年项目1项,中央高校基本科研业务青年教师创新项目1项,参与多项国家级、省部级科研项目,以第一作者/通信作者身份在国内外计算机权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems等期刊上发表学术论文,并担任多个国内外权威期刊的审稿人。
[1] Jian Wang, Wei Wang*, Xiaofeng Liang, and Chao Zuo, Finite-horizon H∞ tracking control for discrete-time linear systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(1): 54-70. (JCR, Q2)
[2] Wei Wang, Xin Chen, and Jianhua Du ; Model-free finite-horizon optimal control of discrete-time two-player zero-sum games, International Journal of Systems Science, 2023, 54(1): 167-179. (JCR, Q1)
[3] Wei Wang and Changyang Feng. Kernel-based consensus control of multi-agent systems with unknown system dynamics. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2023, 21(7): 2398-2408. (JCR, Q2)
Wei Wang, Xiangpeng Xie, and Changyang Feng, Model-free finite-horizon optimal tracking control of discrete-time linear systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 433: 127400. (JCR, Q1)
Wei Wang, Xin Chen, Hao Fu, and Min Wu, Data-driven adaptive dynamic programming for partially observable nonzero-sum games via Q-learning method, International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, 50(7): 1338-1352. (JCR, Q1)
Wei Wang, and Xin Chen, Model-free optimal containment control of multi-agent systems based on actor-critic framework, Neurocomputing, 2018, 314: 242-250.
Wei Wang, Xin Chen, and Hao Fu, Model-free distributed consensus control based on actor-critic framework for discrete-time nonlinear multiagent systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(11): 4123-4134. (JCR, Q1)
Wei Wang, Xin Chen, and Jianxin He, Adaptive critic design with local Gaussian process models, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2016, 20(7): 1135-1140. (EI, 第一作者)
Xin Chen, Wei Wang, Weihua Cao, and Min Wu, Gaussian-kernel-based adaptive critic design using two-phase value iteration, Information Sciences, 2019, 482: 139-155. (JCR, Q1, 第二作者)